Monday, October 19, 2009

LH Junkie

There was once this friend of mine.. i didnt get to know her properly cos of some things that happend between us.. but her usernames and screen names have always had "LHJunkie" somewhere.. i remember finding out what the L & H stood for.. Lifehouse.. subtly one of the most amazing bands that exist!

Its been a looooooooooong time and i remembered when i heard a Lifehouse song on one of the Msia'n radio stations.. and i decided to listen to all 3 albums i have.. [ yess.. i have that kinda time! ] and ive come to the conclusion that i am quite a LHJunkie as well.. =p..

The music is original and creative.. even though they have quite a few tracks.. the songs dont sound the same like a lot of other bands [ Daughtry ] and they havent stolen riffs from other bands, and if stolen is too harsh a word, what i mean is have songs which make you go "Hey, doesnt this sound like blah di blah?" [ Nickelback ]

Most of the messages in their songs are positive, which is a good effect on the subconcious mind even if you not really listening to the lyrics.. they end up effecting you, believe it or not!

The sincerity of their songs bring you back to listen to it another round.. but thing is.. if you actually appreciate their creations, you wont know what to listen to 1st cos they all are very good.. if you ask any random person, they'll be like "Hanging by a moment" OR "You and Me" and if you ask someone who has listened to most of their music, you'll get a bunch of other answers from "Everything" [ Asher's choice ] to "Broken" [ Taqi's Choice ]

I would go on but its raining and i gta do a few errands everytime it rains.. so id like to conclude by saluting Ms. LH Junkie for being the most perceptive in actually appreciating this band when everyone else was just singing the chorus to Hanging By a Moment not knowing the lyrics after that..



Lhjunkie said...

Aww, I'm really touched!

You've inspired me. I'm going to listen to all their albums in a row now. Btw, their 5th album is out in December, just so you know. =)

Yoong said...
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Yoong said...

I may have lost my wiener...
