Sunday, November 8, 2009

Heavy on thought.. Light on Worry..

I dont think its been very long, mostly cos ive been doing alot and keeping busy.. but my PC was borrowed by a frnd cos her's busted at a time she need her PC the most.. so i gave her mine for a bit..

In the period which lasted a lil over 1 week.. i met ppl i never think i wouldve.. went out with ppl i dont think i ever reconized.. and chilled with ppl i would always make assumptions about before having a proper conversation.. i basically lived a YES Man's life for a bit.. was nice.. lethargic.. but nice..

Being a person who's more to himself than a person who grabs the rooms attention.. i wasnt used to ppl looking for me to chill with.. loll.. but was nice.. cos then ur like "What happend? Why were you looking for me?" ...the response is usually "Just checking where u at.. if u wanted ta chill.."

I got papers in about 20days.. kinda faked up.. but im pretty sure il make it inshaAllah.. even if i dont.. having to do so much work nxt sem wont hurt so much.. the thing about hardwork and pain is.. it doesnt seem so bad afta you've suffered so much! Once you reach your highest point, you sorta benchmark everything else after that..


After having gone to a msian book fair b4 altaf left.. i bot like 150 bucks worth of books.. the most expensive being a "Koran" in English.. 35 bucks.. and the cheapest.. War of the Worlds.. 1 buck.. loll.. so weird that literature can be so cheap when it helps smooth out a person in the most significant ways..

I wouldnt use the word "regret" but i think i shouldve learnt to appreciate good writing at a much earlier stage in my life.. maybe i couldve gone into a more artsy direction.. but sadly.. ive begun to enjoy some1 else's creativity with the pen a lil late.. so what innit?

I finished reading this book called "Taxi".. its not a bad idea to use by anyone who needs an idea what to right about!

Taxi - Khaled A Khamissi

Just a man writing about his rides in the many different taxi's to the different places he had to go, for the different reasons.. and the moods he was in, and how he handled the many different situations with the variety of characters he had the fortune and sometimes even the misfortune of sharing his taxi ride with..

The book was 15 bucks.. and a cliche spruced up, its worth its weight in DIAMOND!

Beautifully written.. and its not just the writing.. its him being part of every 48 stories, so its like your a passenger in the cab as well..

Thats all i got for now.. gna shower and study.. best of luck to everyone who's studying and preparing for papers.. wish you all the positive energy in the world! =D


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