Saturday, November 14, 2009

You again..?!

Just taking a break from work.. read the news.. watched a couple of random videos.. all good.. a few updates..

New Zealand made history in football by winning 1-0 against Bahrain in the 2nd leg of the WC2010 qualifiers.. i think Bahrain gave the game away when they failed to score their AGONIZINGLY easy chances at home.. so no1 to blame but themselves..

Theres a new show called "Bored to Death", its pretty good.. its got a little depth.. its about a dude who's actually a writer, and now his life is sort of falling apart.. and he smokes weed.. outta boredom he just advertises himself as a Personal Investigator.

Theres a Thai movie showing Phobia2.. aptly its got mini stories.. ALTAF WHERE ARE YOU!!?!?! You see, usually he would force me, or at the least, induce me to go for the movie, right now i have no real motivation.. =p.. God bless you Altaf..

Man City lost in Dubai, 1-0.. not to worry football fans of the World.. neither has Man City lost credibility nor has UAE improved [LOL], Man City played a 2nd string squad for most of their players were on international duty not that they wouldve played against UAE anyway.. [ once again.. LOL! ]

I got about 16days left here.. *whew* i duno if i mentioned it b4.. but its a bittersweet thing.. more sweet than bitter.. ive exhausted all foreseeable good things over here for me.. its time to change surroundings in an attempt to improve this horrible sitcom that is my life..

Thats all i can remember for now.. i leave you with this video i found on the web of someone on top of the highest point of a man made structure.. The Burj Dubai.. enjoi its splendor!

God Bless..


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