Saturday, January 24, 2009

Im broked..

Ive just been here less than a month, and i oredy got my 1st injury.. it really sucks, i dont want to say it couldve been worse, cos that disables me from complainin about this 1!

Its me preferred leg, so gna take longer to heal and its at the knee joint. So im reminded of the pain and the fact that i really cant play even when I walk. I had a small futsal session yesterday, and me knee's like twice the size of what its supposed to be. This really sux..

I was hoping to enjoi this year completely since its me last and every1 gna b moving in diff directions.. this def treading along the lines of salt on a wound.. and worst part is i have NOTHING else to do.. cept study.. tsk..

o well.. lets see wt happens..


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