Wednesday, August 5, 2009

2 months..

Its been 2 months roughly.. nothing of significance to report.. just thought I'd invest a couple of words here since it was brought to my attention that it had been a while..

Me mum, sis and cuz dropped by here.. they enjoyed themselves here.. cheap stuff, fruits and nice weather.. key things you will NEVER EVER find in dubai.. unless you willing to pay outta the ass!

Went to Cameron, Penang, Langkawi and Genting respectively! Loads of things to talk about every once in a while. Oddly enough, i didnt really get sick of them.. usually i do get sick of people, not like i go away or push them away, just when things get to predictable and jaded.. i get bored.. simple as that.. but this time things didnt slow down enough for me to complain.. Thank You God for that i guess..

Results coming out on the 14th of this month.. hoping for the best so that i can add a paper on to my current load of advanced tax and audit.. the latter is literally killing me.. each question takes about 1.5 - 2 hours.. and the possibility of getting it wrong is like 50%.. any purpose who can make a logical decision would say those numbers arent a friend.

The house is pretty bland now, Raashid left.. so theres not much football talk around in the house.. atleast no expertise and no opinions.. had a nice petite farewell for the lad and i pray we cross paths again.. God bless him.. dont remember anything cept good times.. whether it was Man Utd or Arsenal losing to the other! =p

I got a Tax progress test tomorrow.. i was not zactly aware of that.. ive been floating in and outta class so im not really aware of n e tin.. atleast ive oredy covered most of the portion.. not a prizewinner.. but least il pass the paper inshaAllah..

Now that mum and yas gone back.. im back to my life of nothingness and uni.. joy? =\

I dont know how that sounds to the untrained ear, but its sort of a bitter sweet thing.. i get to play all the poker i wan.. no1 touches me PC.. i get to play all the music i wan wenever.. atleast the expense of not being served at the respective times and everything being for.. hmm.. basically it between being in your parents house and freedom.. as bad as it would get, id always choose freedom.. *shrug*

Hmm.. k, il get back to tax..


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