I was telling.. err.. i cant really remember whom.. but i had this dream..
This didnt really fit in the conversation i was having.. but me friend spoke about this amusing dream he had.. n i just finished with my 2 cent..
Hmm.. i was in this bed.. i dont know if i had like some terminal disease or I was seriously injured.. but i was sitting up in the this bed in a place which looked like a hospital room. There were a handful of ppl just telling me im going to be oryt soon.. but i was just all neutral.. not showing any real emotion.. dont really remember why or why not.. you gta bear with me.. was a dream!
Soon.. my condition declined.. i think i was in a coma.. cos i was getting a first person view of what i looked like in me bed.. and when i looked down, i was wearing the same thing as myself in me bed and for some reason.. everyone around me looked really shocked or sad and i wasnt able to converse with anyone.. very interesting scene to have dreamt about..
Later on.. figure in a black robe came.. i was looking round for a sickle.. but couldnt see one.. but my suspiciousions were right.. as the figure came closer.. the more the monitor showed decline, the more ppl around me looked distressed and the wider my smile grew standing nxt to me dying body..
*teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet* said the monitor like a never ending censor sound.. every1 just stood there in silence, some in acceptance and some in disbelief.. I calmly followed the figure out of the door following the gentleman in the black robe.. just glanced back before completing my exit into the complete darkness with my ear to ear grin!
I must say.. i dont remember enjoying a dream as much as this..
dayem boy .. now that's 1 hell of a dream orrite ..
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