Some people say, if theres anything on your mind, anything on your chest you wanna get off.. do it.. cos bottling up your emotions, would take a toll on you.. then prolly kill you..! =\.. Nxt time I meet one of those people, Im gna take that bottle Im using for my emotions & shatter it on their heads! =p.. lets just put it this wayy.. just how some jokes sound better in your head than in the air, its the same for most of your thoughts! =D.. esp. the really crazy one's! =)
Thing is.. its the ppl who seem to "label" you that scare you into speaking your mind.. your heart.. wherever your vocabulary comes from! =D..
Lemme be open about this.. if you have a problem.. or need advice.. or whatever.. trust me.. I can assure you on anything & everythin pure and holy.. I will help you AS MUCH AS I can.. after pointing and laughing at ya! =D.. tis a curse & a blessing.. most of the people close to me, have the ability to laugh at themselves.. but every once in a while I run into those ppl who think Im heartless just cos I make a joke or two.. o well.. driving those ppl away dont really bother me now innit?! =p.. so tis all good! =D
Sometimes when you tell ppl something.. for starters.. they'll play a part in front of you.. whether its comforting you or a more popular selection, giving their 2 cent advice.. and secretly save in their cache what sorta person you are. Its like being caught in the act.. you friend smokes, you took a puff, whilst taking the drag.. some1 walks in.. depending on the nature of that person & the sorta relationship you have with him / her.. your either going to be shrugged off as "experimental" or going to be forever called a junkie! x =D.. you get me?
Same thing with love & the paths your heart makes for yourself.. sometimes you go down a road you wouldnt have normally taken.. after that, & taking into consideration the way you acted all that time.. your going to be defaulted when a conversation of love & yourself is concerned!
If you loved your teddy when you were a lil.. you gna be labelled a teddy lover forever & ever! =D..
okay.. now this is gettin ridiculous.. talkin about teddy lovers! =p..
Basically.. leme just remind you of the point of all of this trash.. becareful of what you do.. becareful of what you say.. & becareful of what you do, & with whom you do it..! ..& no.. i dont care about ur well-being.. Im just trying to save you some time! =D
yallah.. have to do other irrelevant stuff..
salams + tc..
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