Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Lil Ditty I Came Up With..

Salams & salutations one & all..

Whilst cramming [ or atleast TRYING to cram.. ] with me numerous accounting textbooks.. came up with this lil poem.. hope you ppl enjoy it.. & i kno you will if any of ya'll accounting students..! =D

When Its You & Me.. From a financial Perspective

When its just you & me..
I'll be the sole trader.. & you can be my capital..

Everytime we share a kiss.. my net profit will gets higher..
everytime you hold my hand.. my balance sheet tally's..

everytime you look into my eyes.. my interest on capital multiplies..
everytime you smile.. my cost of sales is totally worth it..

everytime you talk.. my income statement looks better than ever..
everytime i think about you.. it feels as if my cash account gets debited..

with you by my side.. i do not see the need to withdraw from my drawings account..
with your love.. its seems as though i have no liability..

being with you sets my accounting principles straight..
& having your love balances my accounting equation..

if being in love with you credits my cash account.. i dont want it to be debited!
..I thank God everyday I have you as my non-current asset!

-Rushdi Rafeek ^_^


Anonymous said...

this is soo kool! =D
nice way to revise ur lessons *wink*

cya l8r! salams..

brown girl in the ring said...

awesome! how do u think of stuff like this? u make me proud=D

-the small sweet one =)

Anonymous said...

You're sucha charmer you knoe tht..! ;D

- The Scarfed One #2