Monday, August 31, 2009

Living Life..

I came back from futsal.. to find 5 drunk ppl in me house.. all not very happy due to 1 of those people kinda being a psycho.. as the psycho was put to bed after throwing chunks to an award winning distance.. we sat and talked about the situation.. slowly.. 1 out of the 5 ppl left couldnt take it any longer and went to sleep..

As the number reduced to 4.. topics were still being thrown around.. reminiscing about good times.. talking about regrets.. hoping, wishing for a better future.. suddenly 1 of the 4 ppl put on swimming goggles and started singing to what was playing on the speakers, leaving 3 ppl..

As we talked.. 2 guys including myself.. and the 1 NOT psycho chick.. we realized we all are on the same boat.. journey is sort of similar.. but we all have different stops and different boats to get back on.

She was trying to get into the mind of a man.. why we dont love, why its all about looks, we men are assholes.. but then i fought back with why do chicks only like doods with money and a car.. why chicks are only in for the material things.. and then i forced her to understand that ppl like that do exist.. but thats not the whole planet..

She was talking about how she cant find love.. and how unhappy she is.. i explained to her how shes in a negative thoughts trap and cripple her into 1st a day of unhappiness.. 2nd into a week of tears.. and then into a month of sorrow.. a never ending cycle of pain..

She forever relates love to 1 asshole who screwed it up for her.. basically lesson.. get over it!
It'll definetely change your life for the better.. and whatever happens.. when you think about the past, dont depress yourself over the stoopid things you did, otherwise your messing up whats coming towards you as well.

Its not the journey.. its the destination!


1 comment:

Tumbleweed said...

I have to admit..the story about the stupid person who threw up all over a certain persons mattress was hilarious :-D and that sure is some good advice you have given her!