Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Done With.. [ 2 more left though.. =\ ]

Yesterday at GMT 0700 hrs, I appeared for me CAT T7 paper.. Planning, Control and Performance Management........ ya i know! I bored myself a lil just having said that! I dont think ive ever worked so hard academically for anything in my life!

If me worked half as hard for my O level's.. i would prolly moved a couple letters up in quite a few subjects! =p ..anyway.. when reading the exam paper.. twas 1st like.. it was written in another language.. and feelings of the possibility of failing have having to redo it.. and the fact that i studied for sooooooooooooo long and failing.. i tink a tear was produced! =p..

After breathing for a lil bit.. and blinking a few times.. 8-).. i just started the long paper.. 3 hours was more than enough to finish the paper, but before i got it rolling seemed like the clock was moving to fast and i was too blank! =\

I inevitably did that thing where i promise myself il prepare better nxt time.. ya riite!

Well.. i got an easier paper tomm.. T4.. but then the problem is around the corner.. T9 on the 10th.. i havent prepared for that at all.. i do realize its easier than something like costing.. BUT.. when you dont know tax.. its not like you can fluke any of it.. you gotta know the fact, formats and dates.. =\.. well.. il have 4 full days to study for that.. heres to passing! *cheers*

Yallah.. im off..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cheers Rush (:

ok so ive commented on every post starting Jan .. [actually i think i missed one =\]
sry if i over-commented, but u kno me, i jus had too! :P

every now and then when im sitting on my blue rug and am the BIGGEST victim of over-thinking [you kno how it can be ..]
i remember ur blogs, and here i am (:
tis been fun ..

keep it up, the smallies like me need it ..

- Bash